
Hair Transplant Treatment in Hyderabad – Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri

Hair transplant is for women too! yes you heard it right! Balding in women has been well established but there are different reasons for women to experience balding than men. Well causes can be many more but what are the treatment options ? Female hair loss is broadly categorised into pattern hairloss, hormonal hair loss which is hyperandrogenic or normoandrogenic alopecia, telogen effluvium. Hairloss doesn’t happen suddenly, it’s a gradual process where you see thinning happening in certain areas of scalp or volume thinning or length restriction. Typically thinning happens When to consult a doctor ? Hairthinning in the earlier stages can be dealt effectively. The earlier you notice signs of thinning the better it is to consult dermatologist or trichologist What are my options? Medical treatment for hair loss is established Recent advances in hairloss therapies include platelet rich plasma, growth factor concentrate, mesotherapy, QR678 etc Did you know that hair transplant is also possible for women ? Is hair transplant only for males? Hair transplant for women is been happening since few years but the awareness has been increasing off late. However the proportion of men or aesthetic requirement for men is more than women since medical and procedural therapies suffice in most cases for women. Lot of newer techniques and advances made it possible to do hair transplant for women without shaving the entire scalp unlike in men where we usually shave the entire scalp. What all areas of hair transplant is possible for women ? We can plan for hair transplant on crown area, scalp, eyebrows, scar areas, burn areas on scalp What are the techniques for hair transplantation? Here are some point to check: Of the above FUE and DHI are advanced techniques and done by clinica derm, best centre for hair transplant to get natural results. What are its benefits in women ? This is an advanced indication for women who fail to respond with traditional therapies alone or in combination. Hair transplant surgery has multiple benefits whether you are male or female, and the results are gratifying as it changes your day to day lifestyle, and boost confidence immensely. Make sure you choose best dermatologist for your hair transplant and post that follow up which is again an integral part of maintenance. Hair transplant results are long lasting if adequate post care is being followed and this happen if you are in right hands and at CLINICA DERM its our responsibility to explain everything detailed about hair transplant, whether you are right candidate or not, giving the pre surgery instructions, post surgery instructions and follow up for one year to achieve results. Contact us for more details and our doctor DR.Deepthi Atmakuri will guide you through the entire process of hair transplant. Read More:-

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Hair Transplant Treatment by Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri

Best Pimple/Acne Treatment in Hyderabad – Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri

Acne, commonly called as pimples, can be very distressing posing cosmetic and psychological concerns. Acne can be caused due to multiple reasons like oily skin, hormonal imbalance, medications, steroids, menstruation, dandruff, dietary imbalances, PCOD, smoking etc.  Acne is seen on the cheeks, chin, forehead, nose, chest, shoulders, back, etc. The best treatment for acne is a complete approach with proper diagnosis, investigations, treatment, and prevention. Customized acne treatment is advised depending on the cause, skin texture, and stage of acne.  Acne occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland. It starts as small comedones like whiteheads and blackheads, which when get inflamed become papules. These papules can be red or skin-colored. The next stage is the formation of a pustule. Large papules can lead to the formation of cysts. Based on the severity of acne – it is graded as mild, moderate, or severe acne  There are various acne treatments available, which include topical medications and dermatological treatment procedures. A Dermatologist can recommend topical treatment, Certain cosmetic skin treatments, or a combination of topical medications and acne treatment procedures depending upon the acne type and severity of acne. Best Acne Treatments That Clinica Derm Suggests Here are some best acne treatments that Clinica Derm suggests: Oral medication— These are suggested in combination with topical medication. Antibiotics like azithromycin, doxycycline etc are used in pulse or mini pulse therapy for control of acne flare ups. But newer medication like oral retinoids have taken over as antibiotic resistance is very commonly seen. Dermatological Procedures for Acne Treatment Chemical peels – Depending on the severity and skin tone, the chemical peel can be salicylic acid peel, black peel, glycolic acid peel, Mandelic peel, yellow peel, etc., Chemical Peels help in removing damaged skin cells and stimulate the growth of new skin and keep pores from clogging. These are good ways to maintain and rejuvenate the skin. Carbon Peel Laser – Carbon peel Laser treatment involves the application of carbon to the skin which helps in decreasing acne along with skin reviving. Medi Facials- Medi facials help in reducing acne along with cleansing the skin on a regular basis. Laser toning q switch– this helps in reducing acne as well the spots which come after that. It can effectively enter sebaceous glands and reduce the activity and also reduce melanin produced after acne disappears. 09 Tips to Care Your Skin from Acne, Suggested by Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri Here are some Acne Skin Care Tips Suggested by Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri: Call us to get a holistic approach on acne and prevent its recurrence and to have permanent solution to acne. Read More :-

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Best Acne/Pimple Treatment in Hyderabad - Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri

Acne Vulgaris Treatment In Hyderabad

Control your acne with diet ! Acne or pimples are very common in India and nearly 85% of the entire population at some point or the other have suffered from acne. Acne and diet have been historically strongly associated but there are lot of controversies about this relation.In the past acne was believed to be an adolescent issue but now that view has changed as we have been seeing lot of people and varied age groups getting acne. One of the most common associations for this can be the diet is what some research says. Westernisation of diet could be one of the reasons. Insulin resistance is  common among people of all age groups.  High glycemic index foods are known to shoot up the insulin gradually. High glycemic index foods leads to hyperglycemia, reactive hyperinsulinemia and this inturn releases insulin like growth factors (IGF-1), hence all of this directly or indirectly leads to acne. What should I do if I am getting acne continuously?  Dietary modification like cutting down on high glycemic index foods like milk, milk related products, ice creams, desserts, sweets, canned foods, non alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, bread. We Indians are fond of tea, coffee and not to forget milk is an essential part in this. Also in all the households, consumption of milk is a mandatory thing for growing kids. Maybe that’s the reason why lot of kids these days have been experiencing acne more than before as the milk these days is more adulterated than before. What options do I have apart from milk for kids? Ragi can be a good alternative for milk. Usually milk is consumed for its richness in calcium and protiens and we have a very good alternative ragi which is high in calcium than milk. Alternatives to protein are multiple vegetarian and non vegetarian options Can I eat non vegetarian food if am getting acne ? Well the glycemic index varies if you are consuming lot of fried foods, deep fried foods which are again a part of Indian household. Now when it comes to nonvegetarian food, the consumption of masala and also fried recipes are higher here than with a simple vegetarian food. If you have tried other dietary and lifestyle modifications and yet facing acne this is your last step to control acne without medicine Whey protein and acne  ? Whey protein practically has caused acne in lot of people and this has been associated with high insulin resistance . whey protein in turn causes  hairfall, darkness over neck, underarms, sensitive area pigmentation too. Some one who is not willing for acne recurrence or spots happening post acne should definitely stay away from whey protein. Apart from all these dietary advices, smoking and alcohol prevention can also reduce oxidant load on body thereby radiating the skin. Active lifestyle in the form of exercise or yoga or any form of activity will keep the hormonal irregularity at bay. We at clinica derm focus on holistic approach for acne and not just treating it. DR DEEPTHI ATMAKURI has been consistently advising all her patients about the importance of acne and how to treat it with minimal medication and how effectively we can prevent recurrence if we can manage our diet and lifestyle. Meet our best dermatologist today for all your pimples concerns and your queries are a call away.

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acne vulgaris treatment in hyderabad

Comedones Treatment in Hyderabad

Did you know comedones are nothing but first stage of acne ? Suffering from black heads and white heads ? Let us know all details about comedonal acne These skin coloured to black coloured bumps on face are your first stage of pimples, which gives that rough texture on cheeks, forehead and along jaw line. Black heads simply called open comedones are keratin and other materials of skin collected and when exposed to air gets oxidised and forms that black colour and that’s not the dirt ! White heads simply called closed comedones are again keratin and other skin materials collected underneath a thin layer of skin making it not exposed to external environment and hence appears white. Why do we see comedones ? What can you do to prevent? What can you do at Clinica Derm? At your dermatologist clinic here are some of the things you can consider: Why should you remove comedones? To know more about your comedones and your skin type  you can consult our best dermatologist Dr Deepthi Atmakuri  , she can help you reduce comedones permanently with medication or professional help.

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Comedones Treatment in Hyderabad

Laser Hair Treatment | 8 Things To Know

Unwanted hair can be a nuisance, and traditional hair removal methods can be time-consuming and painful. Laser hair treatment has gained popularity as a long-term solution for hair reduction. However, it’s important to have all the necessary information before undergoing this treatment. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective option for getting rid of unwanted hair, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Understanding the process, potential risks, and aftercare is crucial to ensuring a successful and satisfying experience. In this article, we will discuss the few key things you need to know before having a laser hair removal treatment. PAINLESS PROCESS AND ADVANCED LASERS Before undergoing any kind of treatment, it is important to be aware that the process may be painful. This is especially true for certain medical procedures or cosmetic treatments. But forget pain, when we are here. The most advanced laser and painless laser for hair removal is available at CLINICADERM, all that you can feel is warmth while the laser is being done. Gone are those painful lasers for unwanted hair removal. WORTH THE WAIT Whether it is waiting for an appointment with a specialist, waiting for test results, or waiting for the treatment itself to take effect, patience is often required. While laser takes certain number of sessions to see full and permanent results, depending on hair growth and thickness sessions will vary and hence entire duration varies. Also in case of hormonal imbalance sessions might increase or maintanence sessions will be required which increases the duration of laser treatments. It is important to discuss any concerns or questions about the waiting period with your healthcare provider to ensure you have a clear understanding of what to expect. TRIM BEFORE LASER Before undergoing laser treatment, it is important to trim the hair in the targeted area. This is because longer hair can interfere with the effectiveness of the laser, as it may absorb some of the energy instead of allowing it to reach the hair follicle. Trimming the hair beforehand ensures that the laser can directly target the hair follicle, increasing the chances of successful hair removal. But worry not !! we at CLINICA DERM have the resources to ensure that your trimming is faster and smoother without any bumps. Come at your ease to experience overall service FAST PROCESS Traditional laser hair removal process with other machines takes a lot of time.  Dr Deepthi Atmakuri is very specific about the duration of laser. As opposed to traditional lasers which consume 8-12 hours, LINICADERM has the most advanced FDA approved laser in which entire body can be done in one hour and this is the fastest laser hair removal technology ever introduced. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that the chosen treatment is safe and appropriate for your specific needs. If you need help going over your laser hair removal options, give us a call at CLINICA DERM. HOW MANY SESSIONS NEEDED On an average any person for a full body hair reduction would take eight sessions to see maximum change and this holds for women, but in case of men sessions might be extended to ten to twelve and end result is fine hair and unlike women we do not try to achieve smooth skin with no hair unless any male client wants it. In presence of hormonal imbalances the number of sessions in certain areas that’s mainly hormonal areas vary and rest of the body parts still remain same. It is crucial to follow the advice and instructions of your healthcare professional to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. In case of hormonal changes few investigations might be advised by your healthcare professional to ensure best results. WHAT AREAS LASER IS DONE LASER usually targets the dark pigment in the hair and this can be done on entire body where there is hair for women. Although for men we have to avoid certain areas due to medical guidelines. Since the target is just hair pigment laser hair reduction is safe even in long run. LASER HAIR REMOVAL IS IDEAL FOR ALL SKIN TONE Laser hair removal is an ideal treatment for all skin tones, making it a versatile option for anyone looking to remove unwanted hair. Unlike other hair removal methods such as waxing or shaving, laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in the hair follicles, regardless of skin tone. This means that individuals with darker skin tones can safely and effectively undergo laser hair removal without the risk of pigmentation changes or burns. It is important to be aware of this before undergoing the treatment, as it ensures that laser hair removal is a suitable option for people of all ethnic backgrounds. UP FOR LASER REMOVAL? Laser hair removal offers numerous advantages over traditional hair removal methods. From long-lasting results and precision targeting to time-saving convenience and improved skin quality, this procedure can provide a permanent solution for unwanted hair. Say goodbye to the daily hair removal routine and embrace the benefits of laser hair removal for smooth, hair-free skin. Dr Deepthi Atmakuri, an expert in handelling laser treatments and giving the best possible solution to all the patients for laser hair removal. With precise equipments she is able to deliver great results in laser hair treatment.

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Clinica Derm - Laser treatment

Best Home Remedies For Dandruff in 2024

DO THEY WORK ? Dandruff is a very common condition seen on scalp which simply means oiliness of scalp to dry to greasy white flakes on scalp. Sometimes dandruff can be seen on your shoulders when you wear dark coloured clothes. Often dandruff is associated with itchy scalp and pimples over scalp which can be painful too. WHAT EXACTLY IS DANDRUFF ? It is made up of oils secreted by our scalp, hair styling agents, hair care agents, dust and environmental pollution,  substances on scalp when they get rancid due to sun exposure, sweat and other elements altogether is labelled as dandruff.  Usually home remedies are popular like lemon, fenugreek and coconut oil application are more frequently seen when there is dandruff. But these do not have any scientific back up. In case the dandruff is very mild, DIYs or home remedies might work but if its serious then seek your dermatologist WHEN SHOULD YOU SEE A DOCTOR? Usual symptoms are: A simple antidandruff shampoo should keep you away from these symptoms. But if it doesn’t reduce with that, or itchiness, pimples or pus filled pimples, or severe rashes seen on scalp then seek your dermatologist opinion. HOW TO USE ANTIDANDRUFF SHAMPOO? Typically contact time is important for antidandruff shampoo, run the shampoo on your roots of scalp and keep it on atleast for five to eight minutes and wash it away to see a change in two to four weeks usage. If you are some one who works out everyday, you can use a mild antidandruff shampoo on a daily basis, others can stick to weekly thrice or twice regime to completely reduce dandruff FEW TIPS TO REDUCE DANDRUFF If you are someone seeking relief from dandruff, consult our best dermatologist DR Deepthi Atmakuri at CLINICADERM and get best results. Dr Deepthi Atmakuri, a pioneer in using the latest technology has been a huge believer removing dandruff, and treating other hair related problems like, hair fall, damaged hair, thin hari, and baldness

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Best Morpheus 8 Treatment in Hyderabad | All you Need to Know

What is Morpheus 8 ? Morpheus 8 is a non-invasive micro needling radio frequency that has been a celebrity favorite like Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Bella Thorne, Jessica Simpson, and many more. What does Morpheus 8 do? This non-invasive fractional micro needling radio frequency can stimulate collagen by triggering the dermal cells. This is of a kind machine that is the most advanced in the entire world which can produce collagen in the skin on the face and body giving you more youthful skin and making you feel younger. What body parts can Morpheus act on? Morpheus 8 is amazing for rejuvenation and correction on the face, under eyes, thighs, tummy, neck, legs and buttocks What benefits do I have with Morpheus 8? Acne scars have been troublesome for many people for ages. Loss of collagen is one of the major pathology in acne scars. Doing Morpheus 8 will trigger good collagen and with subsequent sessions, the scars disappear and at the same time, the quality of the skin improves to a great extent. Open pores are a worldwide problem, especially it is a sign of oily skin and aging. They are seen more when lifestyle changes are present like smoking, alcohol, etc. Morpheus 8 is regarded as the best treatment for open pores as it boosts the dermal layers and epidermal layers to promote youthful radiant skin Stretch marks are seen on hands, legs, thighs, buttocks, and breasts. Typically, it starts from puberty, but post delivery to any age and any sex it can be seen. The treatment that works for stretch marks is micro needling radio frequency and at a depth that Morpheus can reach it produces fantastic results Morpheus 8 is an excellent invention for tightening of skin on the face and body Cellulite is very common for women and till recently we did not have any guaranteed technologies that work in giving improvement but Morpheus 8 has changed this. With the depth Morpheus can reach cellulite can be accessed non-surgically and rectified to a great extent Morpheus 8 at Clinica Derm Dr Deepthi Atmakuri, a pioneer In using the latest technology has been a huge believer in microneedling devices, and now after Morpheus 8 has launched this has been a go-to MNRF. With six to eight sessions on an average, this is a cutting technology that can promise results This is your one stop centre for affordable Morpheus 8 treatment in Hyderabad for all your face and body concerns

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Morpheus 8 treatment - Clinica Derm

Foods That Prevent Hair Fall – Everythings You Need To Know

Alopecia is the medical term for the loss of body hair, especially in the scalp region. It could affect any part of your body and be a temporary or permanent condition. Even though diet has a big impact on hair development, it’s usually disregarded. A balanced diet rich in specific nutrients can significantly enhance the health of your hair and help prevent hair loss, even if there isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment for hair loss. In this blog post, we’ll examine and clarify some of the best foods to eat in order to encourage hair growth and foods to stop hair loss. Importance of food for healthy hair Every strand of hair on your body is made of cells, just like the other components. The more challenging protein keratin is found in the tissues of these hair cells. As a result, the texture of your hair is either silky, effervescent, smooth, or dry. They are all more directly tied to the type of food you consume. Your hair’s cells require continuous hydration and nutrition. They would need the appropriate quantity of vitamins and minerals if you wanted them to be robust and healthy. Great meals for hair development come into action just in this case. Taking extra vitamins is not required for good hair growth. To maintain them healthy, you may instead feed them on a regular basis. The secret is to balance the elements in your food correctly. Going over the following foods and incorporating them into your diet regularly in the proper amounts can be useful. A healthy, balanced diet can ensure that your hair receives a steady supply of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Food To Prevent Hair Fall Some of the commonly available foods that ensure healthy hair growth and food to prevent hair fall are: Eggs As everyone knows, the best source of keratin—a protein required for strong hair—is eggs. Your hair will grow faster if you use an egg yolk. One important component that can help in keratin synthesis in eggs is biotin. If you have a biotin deficiency, eating eggs may help you overcome it. In addition, a variety of proteins found in eggs promote the production of collagen. Increasing the synthesis of collagen strengthens and thickens hair. They also include biotin, which encourages hair growth and is an essential component of hair. Eggs also contain iron, which enhances circulation and gives strength to the hair strands. Zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, and lutein are other essential minerals found in eggs that are good for hair. Eggs are regarded as one of the finest foods for hair development because of these advantages. Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables are a good source of potassium, folate, carotene, and vitamins A, and C. The body receives keratin from the green leafy vegetables, which support hair follicles. Iron, a vital mineral that delivers oxygen and minerals throughout the body, is abundant in green leafy vegetables. Low iron levels prevent hair follicles from receiving adequate nutrition, which slows down hair development and weakens hair strands. Thus, boosting your iron intake can significantly enhance the condition of your hair. Sebum, which maintains the scalp’s hydration and health, is also produced with the aid of iron. Vitamin C rich Citrus food Citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, are high in vitamin C. Berries are high in vitamin C and collagen, and they also help to fortify hair. Vitamin C improves scalp circulation and increases the production of collagen. Vitamin C protects hair follicles from the oxidative damage produced by free radicals. It also makes iron absorption easier, which improves blood flow to the scalp, encourages hair growth, and supplies essential nutrients. These factors support the growth of thick, healthy hair. Due to their high vitamin C content, citrus fruits and berries are among the best meals for hair development and thickness. Seeds and Nuts Almonds, walnut seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds are among the nuts that have several health advantages for hair. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which keep hair moisturized and strong while also increasing thickness. Zinc is another mineral found in nuts and seeds that helps to maintain healthy hair by boosting immunity and cell growth. For healthy hair, seeds and nuts also include phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, and selenium. So, nuts and seeds are healthy foods for thickening and growing hair. Carrot Foods that are good for your eyes are also the best sources of Vitamin A for your hair. Carrots are high in vitamin A, which is good for your hair in many ways. It is extremely beneficial for the scalp and maintains your hair moisturised from the roots to the tips. It’s the perfect food to help you develop hair faster. It also causes the scalp to produce more sebum, which keeps the hair hydrated and healthy. Carrots are also believed to improve blood flow to the brain and postpone the development of premature greying of hair. Avocados They have a lot of vitamin E, which guards against oxidative damage to the hair follicles. Each hair follicle supports the growth of your hair and has its blood supply. Hair development may be encouraged by improved blood flow to the hair follicles. Avocados also provide potassium, vitamin B, and folic acid, which help to promote healthy hair growth and thickness. Avocado keeps the pH balance and oil levels of the scalp in check, which keeps hair follicles clear and strong and prevents clogs. Salmon Salmon is a great non-vegetarian alternative because it contains a lot of vitamin D. The finest nutrient necessary for a healthy scalp is vitamin D. The key to growing good hair is having a healthy scalp. It provides fatty acids in addition to vitamin D. Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most often found fatty acids in salmon. Salmon also aids in strengthening the hair follicles. Consequently, it will aid in the growth of healthy hair. Beans these are some of the best plant-based protein

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