The Science Behind Hair Transplantation

The science behind hair transplant
The science behind hair transplant

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure used to restore lost hair in the bald area. The main aim of this hair transplantation is to boost the confidence of the individuals and enhance their attractiveness. This procedure involves removing hair follicles from a donor area, certainly the sides or the back of the scalp, and then we can set it up on the receiver area.

Understanding Hair Loss

People who are opting for a hair transplant should know about the causes of hair fall.
Some of the reasons are listed below:

  • Heredity: The most common reason for hair fall is heredity. This condition is called androgenetic alopecia, male or female pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns.
  • Hormonal Changes: Different kinds of conditions can cause permanent or temporary hair fall, including hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid problems.
  • Medications and Supplements: Hair loss can be a side effect of different drugs. Some drugs can have the ability to increase hair fall.
  • Radiation Therapy: People often do some kinds of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Sometimes it leads to hair fall.

The Science of Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is the process of removing follicles from a dense area of hair, such as the back of the head, which they refer to as the donor area. Then they implant the follicles into small slits in the affected area of the scalp.

There are two main types of hair transplant:

  • FollicularUnitTransplantation(FUT): In an FUE hair transplant, doctors take single hair roots, one by one, from the strip of hair removed from back of your head, where hair grows strong. They implant these follicles in recipient area. Usually this leaves a scar in donor area in most of the cases.
  • FollicularUnitExtraction(FUE): Hair follicles are taken directly from the donor area using a small tool and then put into the recipient area.

FUT vs. FUE Transplantation

FUT and FUE are both very effective forms of hair transplantation. To choose which one is best, you need to analyse the pros and cons of both techniques.

  • Time: The FUT procedure generally takes less time compared to FUE.
  • Appearance: In FUT, there is no need to shave the back of the scalp.
  • Risk: During FUE hair transplants, there’s a chance the doctor might accidentally nick a hair root while taking it out. This nick, called transection, can damage the root so much that it won’t work for the transplant.
  • Cost: FUE is a bit expensive compared to FUT.
  • Scarring: FUT leaves a scar on the skin, where FUE leaves only small scars that can be concealed by hair.

The Importance of Blood Supply in Hair Transplants

Transplanted hair follicles need oxygen and nutrients just like any other living species. A good blood supply ensures they receive these essentials for:

  • Without proper blood supply, the follicles may die, and the hair transplant may fail.
  • A steady supply of nutrients increases the growth rate of transplanted hair.

So, a healthy blood supply at the recipient site is vital for successful hair transplantation.

The hair transplantation industry had rapid growth, thanks to all the scientists and doctors who worked hard for this operation. Hair transplantation not only restores the hair but also gives a lot of confidence to those who are affected by the hair fall. In the coming days, hair transplantation reaches a hundred percent success rate.

We at Clinica Derm have best team of dermatologists, anaesthesiologists and technicians to take care of your hair transplant and gives you best hair transplant results 

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