7 best skin care tips for teenagers

Teenagers are equally prone to skin concerns like adults. If you want your teen not to stress upon their skin, follow our skin care tips to make your skin stay perfect and healthy. 1. Skin Care Routine 2. Pimples and its Control Gentle cleanser, AM and PM is very important to keep pimples away. Pubertal acne is very common, it starts with white heads and black heads and slowly you can see pimples all over forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, even back. Its always important to keep acne away, as at this age group we don’t recommend tablets unless in special situations. 3. Skin Care Products Choices Girls usually start wearing make up around this age. Mothers should be cautious of what products are being applied on face and body. For both sexes we usually recommend non comedogenic, light weight, oil free products when it comes to make up products like foundation, concealer, blush etc. and also skin care ones like sunscreen, moisturizer, night v=creams, body moisturizers too. Always ensure that make up brushes are cleansed every 15 days to ensure no bacterial infection and cross infections happening. 4. Evening Routine is Essential Do not sleep with make up on, or any products on. This only aggravates pimples, white heads, black heads, pigmentation in the long run, excessive oiliness of face. Daily routine in the evening consists of cleansing face, if make up is on double cleansing is an effective way to clean face properly first with micellar water or cleansing balm and second with cleanser. Post this moisturize well and add on serum on face based on the concern. 5. Sun Protection is Crucial The sunshine is also known as the development of fine lines, wrinkles, tanning and skin cancer among others. Protect your skin from the sun by using a sunblock that corresponds to the label’s SPF number of 30 or higher, even if the sun is not out. This should include hats and sunglasses, and avoid exposure to the sun especially when it is relatively intense. So always remember that the foundation to healthy skin, you should protect it from the sun. 6. Beware of Dandruff This is very common concern in this age group, due to hormonal changes happening also coz of diet and whey protein intake this can increase. Seasonal variations exist with dandruff, winter increases dandruff and summer it gets better. Always use an antidandruff shampoo to keep scalp clean and also this helps in preventing acne or pimples happening on forehead. 7. Moisturize Face and Body Well Most of the times teenagers are enthusiastic about facial skin care but they leave the body aside. Moisturizer is an important step to protect skin barrier, as this is the age where dry skin conditions start on the body, so a good moisturizer can help in maintaining the quality of skin on hands, legs, trunk and feet too. General Skin Care Tips For Teenagers : Clinica Derm in Hyderabad offers specialized care for all your dermatological needs. Our experienced dermatologists can diagnose and treat various skin conditions. Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri is one of the best dermatologists who can address all your teen problems and help their mothers understand what is right for their kids.

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skin care tips for teenagers