hair treatment

Embark on the journey to vibrant, healthy hair that radiates well-being at our dermatology clinic. We deeply understand the importance of a lustrous mane, and our team of skilled hair care specialists is committed to providing you with personalized and highly effective treatments. Immerse yourself in the latest breakthroughs in hair care innovations, tailored to meet your unique needs

Revitalise your hair

At our dermatology clinic, we take pride in offering a spectrum of cutting-edge treatments designed to elevate your hair to new heights of health and radiance. From revitalizing therapies that breathe life into tired locks to specialized solutions addressing specific concerns, our range of hair treatments is a testament to our commitment to your hair’s well-being.

Step into a realm where innovation meets personalized care, and let us unlock the secrets to lustrous, gorgeous hair that captivates and empowers. Your hair transformation journey begins here, where every strand is treated with the utmost care and expertise.



PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is a three-step medical technique that involves drawing, processing, and injection of blood into the scalp to treat hair loss.
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GFC Therapy is a cutting-edge facial rejuvenation and hair loss reduction procedure. GFC uses the activated growth factors from the candidate's blood platelets to start the growth phase in the hormonally stressed hair roots.
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qr 678

The cutting-edge, revolutionary QR678 Hair Growth Factor injection stops hair loss, promotes hair growth, and prevents and reverses hair reduction
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hair transplant

A plastic surgeon or dermatologist may undertake a hair transplant as a surgical technique to treat baldness in particular head regions.
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Dandruff treatment

The term "dandruff" describes a disorder in which the skin on the scalp peels or scales. This may occur for a number of reasons.
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QR678 is a unique hair growth formula developed by dermatologists and hair experts. It is a combination of several growth factors, peptides, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are injected into the scalp. Clinica derm is proud to have this treatment and its one of the first clinics to start this QR therapy.

1.Consultation: Before undergoing QR678 treatment, patients typically have a consultation with our qualified dermatologist or trichologist. During this consultation, the professional will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the underlying causes, and discuss the potential benefits and expectations of the treatment.

2.Treatment Procedure: QR678 treatment involves a series of injections directly into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss or thinning. The injections are administered using a fine needle, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

3.Mode of Action: The specific combination of growth factors and nutrients in QR678 is believed to stimulate dormant hair follicles, prolong the hair growth phase (anagen phase), and increase the thickness, improve hair density and reduce hairfall. It also helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to the hair follicles.

4.Treatment Schedule: The frequency and number of QR678 sessions may vary depending on individual needs and response to the treatment. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart. This allows for a cumulative effect and optimal results.

5.Results and Maintenance: Many patients notice improvements in hair growth and quality within a few weeks to a few months after starting QR678 treatment. Instant results for hairfall is noticed. The results may continue to improve with each session. To maintain the benefits, along with this other medication for nutritional deficiency and hairloss will be added.

6.Safety and Side Effects: QR678 is generally considered safe, as it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The injections are performed under sterile conditions by trained and best dermatologists.

7.Customized Approach: QR678 treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs and specific hair concerns. It is often used in combination with other hair fall control techniques or therapies to maximize results.

8.Advantages : this formulation can be used to make your beard thick and eyebrows thick too. Consult us to know how to improve beard and eyebrow hair.

Laser rejuvenation

QR678 is a unique hair growth formula developed by dermatologists and hair experts. It is a combination of several growth factors, peptides, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are injected into the scalp. Clinica derm is proud to have this treatment and its one of the first clinics to start this QR therapy.

1.Consultation: Before undergoing QR678 treatment, patients typically have a consultation with our qualified dermatologist or trichologist. During this consultation, the professional will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the underlying causes, and discuss the potential benefits and expectations of the treatment.

2.Treatment Procedure: QR678 treatment involves a series of injections directly into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss or thinning. The injections are administered using a fine needle, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

3.Mode of Action: The specific combination of growth factors and nutrients in QR678 is believed to stimulate dormant hair follicles, prolong the hair growth phase (anagen phase), and increase the thickness, improve hair density and reduce hairfall. It also helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to the hair follicles.

4.Treatment Schedule: The frequency and number of QR678 sessions may vary depending on individual needs and response to the treatment. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart. This allows for a cumulative effect and optimal results.

5.Results and Maintenance: Many patients notice improvements in hair growth and quality within a few weeks to a few months after starting QR678 treatment. Instant results for hairfall is noticed. The results may continue to improve with each session. To maintain the benefits, along with this other medication for nutritional deficiency and hairloss will be added.

6.Safety and Side Effects: QR678 is generally considered safe, as it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The injections are performed under sterile conditions by trained and best dermatologists.

7.Customized Approach: QR678 treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs and specific hair concerns. It is often used in combination with other hair fall control techniques or therapies to maximize results.

8.Advantages : this formulation can be used to make your beard thick and eyebrows thick too. Consult us to know how to improve beard and eyebrow hair.

threads for hair

QR678 is a unique hair growth formula developed by dermatologists and hair experts. It is a combination of several growth factors, peptides, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are injected into the scalp. Clinica derm is proud to have this treatment and its one of the first clinics to start this QR therapy.

1.Consultation: Before undergoing QR678 treatment, patients typically have a consultation with our qualified dermatologist or trichologist. During this consultation, the professional will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the underlying causes, and discuss the potential benefits and expectations of the treatment.

2.Treatment Procedure: QR678 treatment involves a series of injections directly into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss or thinning. The injections are administered using a fine needle, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

3.Mode of Action: The specific combination of growth factors and nutrients in QR678 is believed to stimulate dormant hair follicles, prolong the hair growth phase (anagen phase), and increase the thickness, improve hair density and reduce hairfall. It also helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to the hair follicles.

4.Treatment Schedule: The frequency and number of QR678 sessions may vary depending on individual needs and response to the treatment. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart. This allows for a cumulative effect and optimal results.

5.Results and Maintenance: Many patients notice improvements in hair growth and quality within a few weeks to a few months after starting QR678 treatment. Instant results for hairfall is noticed. The results may continue to improve with each session. To maintain the benefits, along with this other medication for nutritional deficiency and hairloss will be added.

6.Safety and Side Effects: QR678 is generally considered safe, as it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The injections are performed under sterile conditions by trained and best dermatologists.

7.Customized Approach: QR678 treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs and specific hair concerns. It is often used in combination with other hair fall control techniques or therapies to maximize results.

8.Advantages : this formulation can be used to make your beard thick and eyebrows thick too. Consult us to know how to improve beard and eyebrow hair.


Discover scalp micropigmentation, a non-surgical hair loss solution that replicates the appearance of hair follicles. Learn how this innovative technique can restore your confidence and explore its benefits as a long-lasting solution for hair loss.

Introduction: Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a cutting-edge technique that addresses hair loss by creating the illusion of hair follicles on the scalp. This non-surgical procedure involves the application of specialized pigments to the scalp, mimicking the look of closely shaven hair or a fuller head of hair. Read on to learn more about scalp micropigmentation and its benefits as a non-invasive solution for hair loss.

How Scalp Micropigmentation or scalp tattooing Works: Scalp micropigmentation involves the precise placement of microdots of pigment on the scalp using specialized equipment. These microdots replicate the appearance of hair follicles, giving the impression of a closely shaved or denser head of hair. The pigments are matched to your natural hair colour and skin tone, ensuring a seamless and realistic result. The procedure can be tailored to address various degrees of hair loss, from receding hairlines to complete baldness.

Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation for Hair Loss: Scalp micropigmentation offers several advantages for individuals experiencing hair loss. Firstly, it provides a non-surgical and non-invasive solution, making it suitable for those who prefer to avoid surgery or are not suitable candidates for hair transplant procedures or for women in certain areas for filling or anyone who is not responding for prp and growth factor therapy. SMP is a versatile technique that can create natural-looking results regardless of hair color, skin tone, or type of hair loss. It also offers a permanent solution, as the pigments are designed to maintain their color and shape for years with proper care.

The Scalp Micropigmentation Procedure: The SMP procedure typically involves multiple sessions, depending on the extent of hair loss and desired density. The pigments will be applied using specialized needles, carefully matching the natural direction and density of your hair follicles. The procedure is performed in a comfortable and controlled environment, ensuring minimal discomfort.

Results and Maintenance: After the completion of the SMP procedure, you can expect immediate results. The pigmented dots on your scalp will create the illusion of a fuller head of hair or a closely shaved look, depending on your desired outcome. As the scalp heals, the pigments may initially appear slightly darker but will gradually fade to their intended shade. To maintain the best results, it is essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by us, which may include protecting your scalp from excessive sun exposure and using gentle hair care products.

 Scalp micropigmentation is an innovative and non-surgical solution for hair loss, offering realistic and long-lasting results. Whether you desire the appearance of a closely shaved head or want to enhance the density of your hair, SMP can help restore your confidence. Contact our clinic to schedule a consultation with our dermatologist

regenera activa

QR678 is a unique hair growth formula developed by dermatologists and hair experts. It is a combination of several growth factors, peptides, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are injected into the scalp. Clinica derm is proud to have this treatment and its one of the first clinics to start this QR therapy.

1.Consultation: Before undergoing QR678 treatment, patients typically have a consultation with our qualified dermatologist or trichologist. During this consultation, the professional will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the underlying causes, and discuss the potential benefits and expectations of the treatment.

2.Treatment Procedure: QR678 treatment involves a series of injections directly into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss or thinning. The injections are administered using a fine needle, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

3.Mode of Action: The specific combination of growth factors and nutrients in QR678 is believed to stimulate dormant hair follicles, prolong the hair growth phase (anagen phase), and increase the thickness, improve hair density and reduce hairfall. It also helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to the hair follicles.

4.Treatment Schedule: The frequency and number of QR678 sessions may vary depending on individual needs and response to the treatment. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart. This allows for a cumulative effect and optimal results.

5.Results and Maintenance: Many patients notice improvements in hair growth and quality within a few weeks to a few months after starting QR678 treatment. Instant results for hairfall is noticed. The results may continue to improve with each session. To maintain the benefits, along with this other medication for nutritional deficiency and hairloss will be added.

6.Safety and Side Effects: QR678 is generally considered safe, as it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The injections are performed under sterile conditions by trained and best dermatologists.

7.Customized Approach: QR678 treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs and specific hair concerns. It is often used in combination with other hair fall control techniques or therapies to maximize results.

8.Advantages : this formulation can be used to make your beard thick and eyebrows thick too. Consult us to know how to improve beard and eyebrow hair.


QR678 is a unique hair growth formula developed by dermatologists and hair experts. It is a combination of several growth factors, peptides, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that are injected into the scalp. Clinica derm is proud to have this treatment and its one of the first clinics to start this QR therapy.

1.Consultation: Before undergoing QR678 treatment, patients typically have a consultation with our qualified dermatologist or trichologist. During this consultation, the professional will assess the extent of hair loss, determine the underlying causes, and discuss the potential benefits and expectations of the treatment.

2.Treatment Procedure: QR678 treatment involves a series of injections directly into the scalp, targeting the areas of hair loss or thinning. The injections are administered using a fine needle, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient.

3.Mode of Action: The specific combination of growth factors and nutrients in QR678 is believed to stimulate dormant hair follicles, prolong the hair growth phase (anagen phase), and increase the thickness, improve hair density and reduce hairfall. It also helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to the hair follicles.

4.Treatment Schedule: The frequency and number of QR678 sessions may vary depending on individual needs and response to the treatment. Generally, multiple sessions are recommended, typically spaced a few weeks apart. This allows for a cumulative effect and optimal results.

5.Results and Maintenance: Many patients notice improvements in hair growth and quality within a few weeks to a few months after starting QR678 treatment. Instant results for hairfall is noticed. The results may continue to improve with each session. To maintain the benefits, along with this other medication for nutritional deficiency and hairloss will be added.

6.Safety and Side Effects: QR678 is generally considered safe, as it is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment. The injections are performed under sterile conditions by trained and best dermatologists.

7.Customized Approach: QR678 treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs and specific hair concerns. It is often used in combination with other hair fall control techniques or therapies to maximize results.

8.Advantages : this formulation can be used to make your beard thick and eyebrows thick too. Consult us to know how to improve beard and eyebrow hair.


There are a lot of benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for hair fall. Learn how PRP treatment can stimulate hair growth and improve hair density without surgery. Consult with our expert team to discuss PRP as a potential solution for your hair loss.

Introduction: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a revolutionary hair restoration treatment that harnesses the regenerative power of platelets found in our blood. PRP therapy involves extracting a small sample (14-20ml) of the patient’s blood, spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and growth factors, and then injecting the concentrated platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. This process stimulates hair and reduces hairfall, stimulates dormant hair follicles, promotes hair growth, and enhances hair density.

How PRP Works: PRP contains a high concentration of platelets that release growth factors when injected into the scalp. These growth factors help to nourish the hair follicles, increase blood circulation, and prolong the growth phase of the hair cycle. PRP also stimulates the production of collagen and other proteins, which improve the overall health and thickness of the hair and reduce amount of hair fall

Benefits of PRP Treatment: PRP therapy offers several benefits for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning. It is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that requires no downtime. PRP treatment can stimulate hair growth, enhance hair thickness and density, and improve the overall quality of the hair. It is a natural solution that utilizes the patient’s blood, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.

PRP Procedure: The PRP treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess the patient’s hair loss condition and determine if they are a suitable candidate for PRP therapy. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, which is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. The concentrated PRP is then carefully injected into the scalp using fine needles. The entire procedure is performed in a sterile and controlled environment by our experienced and best dermatologist Dr.Deepthi Atmakuri.

Results and Maintenance: The results of PRP treatment can vary depending on the individual’s hair loss condition and response to therapy. Many patients start noticing improvements in hair growth and density within a few months of treatment. To achieve optimal results, multiple PRP sessions may be recommended, usually spaced a few weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are also advised to sustain the benefits of PRP therapy over time.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a safe and best hair fall treatment that utilizes the regenerative properties of platelets to stimulate hair growth and improve hair density. With its non-surgical nature and natural approach, PRP offers a promising solution for individuals seeking to address hair loss and achieve fuller, healthier hair. Contact us today to learn more about PRP treatment and embark on your journey towards hair rejuvenation.

Is dandruff curable ? what is a quick solution to dandruff ? what is the permanent solution to dandruff? Why do I have excessive dandruff ? how do I get rid of dandruff? Are these questions popping continuously on your head? Resolve your queries and have a trouble free scalp with our solutions for dandruff which further reduces acne, hairfall, back acne, etc
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Understanding the benefits of hair threads

Hair fall can be a distressing issue, but with the advent of hair threads, there is now a non-surgical solution that can effectively combat hair loss.

Hair threads, also known as PDO threads, are thin, biocompatible fibers that are inserted into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and improve the overall health of the hair follicles. These threads are made from polydioxanone (PDO), a material commonly used in medical procedures due to its safety and effectiveness.

How Hair Threads Work: Hair threads work by creating a supportive structure within the scalp. When inserted into the scalp, they provide a framework that encourages the production of collagen and elastin, promoting improved blood circulation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles and reduces hair fall and improves hair loss. This stimulation helps strengthen the hair follicles, reducing hair fall and promoting the growth of thicker and healthier hair.


Benefits of Hair Threads for Hair Fall: Using hair threads as a hair fall solution offers several advantages. Firstly, it is a non-surgical procedure, making it a viable option for individuals who are not suitable candidates for surgical hair restoration methods. Hair threads are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities soon after the procedure. Additionally, hair threads can be used alongside other hair loss treatments, such as topical solutions or oral medications, to enhance their effectiveness.

The Hair Thread Procedure: The hair thread procedure is performed by the doctor. Threads are inserted into the scalp using a thin needle. The procedure usually takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on the extent of hair loss and the desired outcome. Results may vary, but most individuals notice improvements in hair thickness and reduced hair fall within a few months.

Results : After the hair thread procedure, it is important to follow the post-procedure instructions provided by us. This may include avoiding excessive pulling or tension on the hair and scalp, as well as using gentle hair care products. Results from hair threads can last for several months to a year

Conclusion: Hair threads offer a non-surgical and minimally invasive solution for individuals experiencing hair fall. By stimulating hair growth and strengthening the hair follicles, hair threads can help reduce hair fall and promote healthier and fuller-looking hair.

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