Hair Transplant

How long do hair transplants last?

It’s possible that when you think of “hair transplants,” you picture the obvious, uneven hair plugs from earlier times. However, in the last ten years especially, hair transplants have advanced significantly. Hair transplant, also known as hair restoration, is an outpatient procedure that uses a micrografting technique to donate your own hair follicles to areas of your scalp that are thinning. The results of a hair transplant are long-lasting and are considered permanent, this process takes some time, and it includes the healing and recovery process. People who have already experienced hair thinning on their scalp are typical candidates for a hair transplant. Is Hair Transplant Permanent? Hair transplants are very popular for their permanent results. As long as lifestyle and maintenance are taken care of, the results are outstanding. Healing may take a minimum of 6-10 days, but once treatment is complete the transplanted follicles will begin to grow hair which will replace the bald patches on your scalp. This entire process takes approximately 6-12 months to see full results.Initially, for 3-5 months’ results might not be great but after a few months the hair starts improving, and results will be visible. How Much Time Does Hair Transplant Take to See the Result? Although hair transplant gives permanent results, it takes some time to see the full results: – Starting from a few weeks: – Transplanted hair may fall out after the procedure, but this is a normal condition and a part of the process. 3 to 6 months – Your new hair starts growing in 3 to 6 months and these hairs may be fine and thin at first. 6 to 12 months – In 6 to 12 months, your hair starts growing and blending in better with your natural hair. 12 to 18 months – You will be able to see the full results of your hair transplant within 12 to 18 months. There are some factors that determine how long-lasting a hair transplant will be. Hair transplant is supposed to be permanent but some factors can affect its appearance and overall result over time. Hair loss and age progression: – Hair loss is a progressive condition, if you have undergone a hair transplant at a young age, it is possible that you may continue to lose hair in the untreated area, requiring touch-ups in the future. So a good consultation and analysis will help you to understand if you are the right fit. Hair quality of donor: – Hair transplant depends on the hair quality of the donor area, if the quality and thickness of the hair in the donor area are good, then there is a possibility that the results of the transplant will be good and long-lasting. Method of hair transplant : – technique and method will help you give best possible results. However dermatologist will be better person to help you understand these intricate details. Lifestyle: – Your unhealthy lifestyle can also make your hair fall out, if you change your lifestyle, have a healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoid smoke and alcohol, then your hair will remain long-lasting. Conclusion Hair transplants are designed to be a long-lasting solution to hair loss. Many people have experienced permanent results of hair transplants, in which their transplanted hair continues to grow throughout their lives. However, how long the hair transplant result will last also depends on certain factors such as age, genetic factors and post-procedure care. For best hair transplant results it is important that you select a skilled doctor and after the procedure, you follow the recommended aftercare guidelines. However, hair transplant offers a permanent solution but may require additional sessions to maintain thickness over time.If you are wondering how much a hair transplant costs, visit today at Clinca Derm for the best hair transplant at an affordable cost.

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how long do hair transplant last?

What is hair transplant and who needs it

Hair follicles are surgically moved from one area of the head which is called donor area and placed it in areas where hair is receding or thinning during a hair transplant operation. Male or female pattern baldness is the most common reason for hair transplant recipients. On the top or front of the head, hair is lost. To have enough hair follicles to relocate, you still need to have thick hair on the sides or back of your head. Clinica Derm are experts at removing hair from beard, chest or other body parts and place it on scalp for better density. People with burn scar, traumas, or other medical conditions that cause hair loss may receive treatment with hair transplants. Transplant of Hairlines Hairline transplant is a term used to describe a hair transplant that restores receding hairlines., the hair at the temples and around the top of your forehead begins to recede if you have a receding hairline. Due to which your hairline starts moving backwards or recedes. Receding hairline is the feature of male pattern baldness, the most typical cause of hair loss in those who have strong genetic history. Hair Transplant Surgery Types There are 2 major types of hair transplant. Both procedures are performed in the doctor’s clinic, first, the surgeon cleans the scalp and injects medicine to numb the back side of your head. Your doctor chooses one of two methods of transplant: follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT). The most modern and aesthetic method is FUE and you will be explained about it before the start of surgery. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) In hair transplantation, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a cutting-edge method. Individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of the scalp (often the back of the head, where hair is more resistant to balding), and then implanted into the balding areas using FUE, in contrast to earlier techniques. This procedure has gained enormous popularity because of its minimally invasive nature and the natural-looking results it gives. First, the donor region is numb, and then individual hair follicles are extracted using a precise microsurgical extraction tool. Every follicle, including its required tissues and sebaceous glands, is meticulously extracted. The viability of the follicles is ensured by this painstaking procedure, which is essential for the success of the transplant. After extraction, the follicles are ready for transplantation. To implant these follicles, small incisions are made in the recipient location. It is guaranteed that the new hair that grows will be in the natural pattern and will blend perfectly into the existing hair, this pure procedure requires a skilled and experienced surgeon. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) For the most severe cases of hair loss, invasive surgery called follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is performed. The goal of this procedure is to divide lengthy donor hair strips into smaller follicular units, which are then implanted into the damaged area. One of the many established pillars of hair transplant surgery is follicular unit transplantation. Male pattern baldness and androgenetic alopecia are two disorders that respond favourably to this treatment, which is sometimes referred to as the “strip harvesting method. A little incision is made into the donor site on the back of your head during this surgical operation, which removes a lengthy strip of hair follicles. Your donor hairs are then carefully divided into smaller groupings of individual follicular units (also known as “hair grafts”) under a microscope after this strip is taken. These little follicular units are then inserted into the area that is afflicted. FUE is the most advanced form of hair transplant and is most commonly done these days. This has faster healing process and less visibility of scars and best possible results.Consult our best Trichologist Dr. Deepthi Atmakuri, for further queries about hair transplant, visit us to have detailed understanding about procedure and its results.

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